All cards have 6 buttons at the bottom of the card. You can choose from the following options for each button. GameMaker will perform the selected options when in Run Mode.
Button name
Lets you name the button. Only named buttons are displayed in Run Mode and compiled applications.
Opens a window allowing you to write a script which will be executed when the card opens. Scripts are performed before any other options. See the "Scripting" help topic for information on the scripting language.
User Ask
Lets you ask the user a question. A window will be displayed so you can type your question, the correct answer, and an optional card to go to if the user answers incorrectly. If no card is selected, an "Incorrect answer" alert will be displayed in Run Mode and the user will stay on the current card. If the user answers correctly, the program will continue with the original button script.
Play sound
Use the pop-up menu to select a sound to be played when the button is clicked in Run Mode. Sounds must be in your game document as "snd " resources in order for them to be listed in the pop-up menu.
Try Sound
Plays the currently selected sound. Use this to sample the sounds in the list.
Delay while sound plays
If this box is checked, the game will pause while the selected sound is played. This is useful for long playing sounds. GameMaker will not execute the options below until the sound is finished playing.
Status bar
This pop-up menu lets you choose whether to increase or decrease the status of the bar and lets you select a card to link to if the bar is empty. The pop-up menu only works if the status bar is enabled. See "Use status bar" in the "Go menu" help topic for information on enabling the status bar.
Go to card
Type in a card name or number. When the button is clicked in Run Mode, GameMaker will jump to that card.
End game
If this option is chosen, the game will end when the button is clicked in Run Mode.
Go to most recent card
If this option is chosen, GameMaker will jump to the most recent card that was displayed when the button is clicked in Run Mode.
Do menu
If this option is chosen, GameMaker will act as if the menu choice in the pop-up menu was selected when the button is clicked in Run Mode.